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/ Gladiator 1832

Gladiator 1832
Gladiator 1832
Gladiator 1832
Gladiator 1832

Gladiator 1832

The NEW UNIVERSAL GLADIATOR 1832 Knee Brace can help speed recovery and is adjustable for a comfortable fit. It is recommended for noncontact sports and daily activities. The Gladiator 1832 provides compression and support for your injured knee and is ideal for speeding recovery of ACL and MCL injuries. The Knee brace is meant for patients who can load weight on the injured knee and is capable of some ambulation. The polycentric hinge with contoured condyle shell has aluminum uprights and offers full flexion and extension control with settings at 0°, 15°, 30°, 60° and 90°.

Key Features
  • R.O.M. hinges with contoured condyle shells
  • Full flexion and extension control
  • ROM settings at 0°, 15°, 30°, 60° and 90°
Indications for Use
  • Patellar Honodropathy (Osteochondral repairs)
  • Retropatellar
  • Osteoarthritis
  • post-operative and post traumatic irritations including
  • Rehabilitation of: MCL, LCL, PCL, ACL (Sprains, Meniscus injuries, Lateral
  • Anterior, Medial, and Posterior tilt, etc.)
  • Post lateral release surgery to limit the extension and flexion of the joint
  • Patella and knee instabilities (Patella Dislocation, Patella Subluxation, Patella Alta, Patella Stabilization, Patella Tendon repairs)
  • General knee pain
  • Mild Chondronmalacia
  • Condylar Fracture
  • Tibial Plateau Fractures
Optec USA
Manuf. Part No.
Size Chart

Call us to find out if you may qualify for an elbow brace as a Medicare covered benefit.

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Pain in the elbow can be the result of an accident such as a fall or car crash, or an injury from playing sports, such as with tennis elbow. Diagnoses include fracture, dislocation, ligament injuries, ruptured tendons and cubital tunnel syndrome.

To promote healing of an elbow injury, the elbow must be immobilized at precisely the angle necessary as it relates to the injury and the patient’s individual anatomy. That’s why the elbow brace may at first look complicated, but once you have the correct angle set, all you need to do is put it on and take it off every day.

Wearing an elbow brace is much less trouble than a cast, and it works infinitely better than a compression sleeve.

To learn more about Elite Medical Supply of NY's elbow braces or if your Medicare plan will cover it, contact us today.

Medicare Patients

Contact us with any questions about bracing or eligibility. We’ll make it easy for you. We'll even handle the paperwork should you qualify.

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Non-Medicare Patients

We are in-network with over 150 insurance plans, workers’ compensation, and no-fault insurance companies.

Get a Brace


Send us a referral and we will make sure your patient receives the right brace – fast. Our staff of professionals are on-hand and ready to serve.

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